Growth Report: From 0 To 17,000 Monthly Visitors
Income reports are all the rage right now. Since WPscoop does not generate any income yet I decided to call this post a growth report instead. It tells the story […]
I am a WordPress plugin developer from Germany. Some might know me from my WP Robot plugin or one of my free plugins but most don’t know me at all. To change that you can write me a message or find me on Google+.
Income reports are all the rage right now. Since WPscoop does not generate any income yet I decided to call this post a growth report instead. It tells the story […]
I have just released version 1.1 of my WP Inject plugin, which over the course of the last months has become one of the most popular plugins to insert free […]
Today I launched a new version and design of WPscoop. There are more colors, there are new features, there are more pictures of ice cream and there is Justin Tadlock’s […]
This July marks the 5th birthday of my first and most successful WordPress product: WP Robot was officially launched on the first of July in 2009 and through dedication, hard […]
ImageInject (previously called WP Inject) is a free WordPress plugin created by myself that allows you to insert on-topic images into your blog posts. Search for creative commons images in […]
With the start of July it will have been exactly five years since I began selling my first WordPress plugin. It is still alive and healthy up to today. During […]
One week ago I published a post here on WPscoop that takes a look at common pricing models and the average prices of WordPress plugins in different niches. In the […]
When I started blogging actively one of the first challenges I faced was how to find images to use in my posts. Virtually all bloggers agree that good photos are […]
Over the past few weeks I have written six plugin comparisons with a twist: They allow you to search for features of all compared products in order to get individual […]
In a recent post I introduced my WordPress travel map plugin, which I created to use it in a personal project of mine. Said project is a WordPress photo blog […]