Thomas Höfter

How to Get a Cheap Logo for a New Wordpress Blog - Fiverr Test, Part 1

A logo is an important part of a new website but unfortunately the money to have a good one designed is usually missing when starting a new Wordpress blog. In this article I am giving Fiverr, one of the least expensive options to get a cheap logo for a new WP blog, a test. Continue reading to find my results and tips on how to use Fiverr for cheap logo design work.

How to Add Breadcrumbs to the Pagelines Theme

Breadcrumbs are small links that are usually placed above the post title which are good for two things: To help the user navigate your site and to improve SEO by allowing search engines to understand your site structure better. Learn how to add breadcrumbs to the Pagelines theme without touching any code!

Find the best plugins for a new Wordpress blog.

Does a fresh WP blog really need plugins right away? And if so which ones are essential? This article answers those questions and tells you how to choose the best and most important plugins for your new Wordpress weblog without drowning in the huge sea of plugins!