Digital Access Pass Reviews

Digital Access Pass review logoThis page lists aggregated reviews of Digital Access Pass from different sources if available as well as user reviews by other WPscoop visitors. If you have experience with Digital Access Pass be sure to add your own review!

Together with my in-depth feature and price comparisons these user reviews are meant to help people make the right decision for the best membership plugin.

Go here to find my main membership plugin article and compare Digital Access Pass with several alternatives to find out which one is best for your requirements and budget.

Digital Access Pass User Reviews

There are no reviews for Digital Access Pass yet. If you are a user please be the first to leave a review now by using the form below. It only takes a minute and helps others choose the best membership plugin.

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Digital Access Pass is not listed in the plugin directory and because of that no reviews are available there.

Digital Access Pass Features

With Digital Access Pass you can use 21 out of 26 features that I track for WordPress membership plugins in my comparison. Click the link to see a list of all available features.

Please note that I only track features as reported by the developers in this review and comparison. I can make no judgement over how well the features listed below will work for you. I recommend you test Digital Access Pass and some of its competitors yourself before deciding.

Digital Access Pass Pricing

See the table below for a quick overview of Digital Access Pass prices as well as a comparison with average prices of membership plugins. Please go to the main article to compare the price of Digital Access Pass with other membership plugins.

Price Digital Access Pass Avg. membership Plugin Prices
Minimum (1 Site) 167.00 USD 76.55 USD
Maximum (1 Site) 167.00 USD 129.77 USD
Minimum (10 Sites) 297.00 USD 158.77 USD
Maximum (10 Sites) 297.00 USD 191.99 USD


  • Minimum Price: The lowest price a product is available for, e.g. the most basic or a free version.
  • Maximum Price: The highest price a plugin is available for. This factors in the cost of all addons (if any) or the highest premium version sold.
  • 10 Site Prices: Certain plugins get more expensive if you want to use them on more than 1 WordPress blog. Refer to the 10 site price to see such a difference.

Disclaimer: While we update this review regularly we can not guarantee the prices displayed above are still correct and take no responsibility if they changed.

Visit Digital Access Pass Now

Digital Access Pass Alternatives

I have also reviewed many competing products that allow you to manage multiple WP blogs. There are several worthy Digital Access Pass alternatives you should consider before making your decision on which WP manager to use. Follow the links below to see my reviews of all alternatives to Digital Access Pass.

Digital Access Pass Comparisons

Follow the links below to compare the features of Digital Access Pass to any of its competitors. Each of the WPscoop comparison articles takes a look at two popular solutions to bulk manage WordPress.

Other Digital Access Pass Reviews

No links to other reviews of Digital Access Pass have been added yet. Did you write a review you would like to see added here? Simply tell me about it!

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About Thomas Höfter

I am a WordPress plugin developer from Germany. Some might know me from my WP Robot plugin or one of my free plugins but most don't know me at all. To change that you can write me a message or find me on Google+.