Gravity Forms Reviews

Gravity Forms review logoThis page lists aggregated reviews of Gravity Forms from different sources if available as well as user reviews by other WPscoop visitors. If you have experience with Gravity Forms be sure to add your own review!

Together with my in-depth feature and price comparisons these user reviews are meant to help people make the right decision for the best form plugin.

Go here to find my main form plugin article and compare Gravity Forms with several alternatives to find out which one is best for your requirements and budget.

Gravity Forms User Reviews

Currently there are 5 reviews of Gravity Forms left by WPscoop users. If you have used this plugin be sure to add your own rating below!

Average Rating: 3

5 Reviews

  1. Rating 1

    We have been using Gravity Forms for 4 years on a few sites, mainly for accepting donations, but are now thinking that this will be our last year using it. Why? We pay $199/year to use it, and they offer the absolute worst support we have ever experienced for anything and not just for premium plugins.

    One week ago, we decided to renew the license again, but the renewal process ended up failing somehow. On the Paypal receipt, we can even see the exact same license key we have been using the whole time, but on our websites, it is still showing as expired and we can’t update anything or even use the license key for downloading anything or for priority support.

    We contacted the regular Gravity Forms support through their website and it took around 24 hours for them to answer, but then after that, they completely went silent. We’ve emailed them 3 times after that with our Paypal receipt info and everything they should need, and they are just not answering us even after 5 days.

    So that really makes me wonder… what exactly are we paying $199 for? It’s obviously not for support. Anyway, after this experience, we are done with these guys and will be trying to figure out an alternative solution for our forms within the next few months.

  2. Rating 1

    Prior to buying the Gravity Forms Developer License for $199, I emailed my “pre-purchase” questions to make sure the functionality I needed was offered with this plugin. I was assured that it all could be done. So, I bought it.

    I had a few questions for Gravity Forms “Priority Support” to get started. Their answers were vague at best, most of them saying they didn’t understand the question, or that they never heard of this type of functionality before (simple stuff!). One actually told me the wrong answer, after I asked him how to do a simple calculation (the sum of selection A + selection B to dynamically populate a number field C), and he told me “unfortunately, this isn’t a feature of the plugin”, then sent me a link to an old Stack Overflow page to create it myself with javascript. Dumbfounded, I did my own research and found that it WAS a Gravity Forms feature and a basic one at that.

    All of Gravity Forms rave reviews are on their own website–explains alot. It is a marketing scam. They sell you on the Gravity Forms plugin, then they give you the worst support so you have to pay one of their developers. All for $199 per year. No thanks.

    Thanks David, I will check out Ninja forms. I will be dropping Gravity Forms Developer license like a lead balloon.

  3. Rating 1

    Gravity Forms is feature rich but support is the worst I’ve come across for a premium plug-in.

    After paying $199.00 for the premium licence (I was planning on using it on a few websites) I needed a little help with one line of PHP to dynamically add a CSS class to a select field.

    Support refused to help and told me to hire a PHP developer. Asked for a refund which they refused. Currently going through PayPal’s resolution centre.

    Suppose there’s a reason why a few WordPress plugins have made their authors a shed load of money, and acting like ruthless jerks probably has a lot to do with it.

    Anywho, now using Ninja Forms which is just as feature-rich as Gravity (and comes with WAY better support).

  4. Rating 1

    They will expect you to install a plugin for support and if things don’t work out, their refund policy is horrible – especially if you upgraded the license and realize the upgrade isn’t worth it, even within 30 days of upgrade.

    I’m out $200 for a feature I worked 100+ hours on and my rate is $150/hr…just an indication of how much I’ve lost working with this solution and had to pay more for another.

  5. Rating 4

    Really happy with Gravity Forms, I initially started using free form plugins but they didn’t work very well. Features and support were limited.

    I like that you can pay a bit more to get all of the Gravity Forms add-ons – it’s amazing what this form could do.

    For a recent project I was looking into a way to sell services without ecommerce integration. The challenge was that I needed forms that span multiple pages, take payment via PayPal/Stripe – Gravity Forms has made this easy.

    It could be easier to style how your forms look, but there is a free plugin that can do it.

    All in all, really helpful plugin that has saved me a lot of time and works well.

  6. Rating 4

    I just looked at installing gravity forms and it looked pretty good. I have been using some free customizable plugins. I liked the cosmetics of gravity. Anyone know how they compare to ninja paid version of forms? I am using ninja free, but to customize colors would need to get paid without coding. I like the pre set smaller fields in gravity. Ninja seems pretty much like fs contact and I like to place a smaller form in upper header area sometimes. Glad I came upon this, it validates gravity for me.

  7. Rating 4

    Forms are something that tend to be required on the majority of sites. Requests can vary from a simple contact form, to more complex and sophisticated form solutions. It is important to find a high-quality and robust form plugin to quickly and easily implement these requirements. Gravity Forms is one of the leading premium form plugins available for WordPress, and I have worked with this on a number of sites.
    Gravity Forms is easy to install, and incredibly easy to use thanks to a “drag-and-drop” style interface, which makes creating forms a breeze. The plugin also offers the ability to create unlimited forms, which is of course an incredibly desirable feature for larger-scale sites or sites which involve forms in some way as part of their core functionality.
    This plugin is also easily extendible, with plenty of premium add-ons available to extend its native functionality and to enable integration with other services, such as MailChimp, PayPal, Freshbooks, Stripe and many others.
    The documentation for Gravity Forms is extensive, and purchase of this plugin comes with excellent customer support. The only issue I have encountered with this plugin is that in my experience, the CSS is not fantastic. However, this is outweighed by the impressive range of features and quick, easy form management offered by this plugin.
    In conclusion, I find Gravity Forms to be one of the best premium form plugins available for WordPress and would highly recommend this, particularly if you are looking to work with another service such as PayPal or MailChimp due to the add-ons which are available.

  8. Rating 5

    I must admit I’m only a recent convert to Gravity Forms. I’ve always made do with the free form builder plugins like Contact Form 7 and more recently Visual Form Builder.

    The relatively high price tag of Gravity Forms, especially that of the top tier license, always put me off, but recently I took the plunge and invested in the entry level personal license.

    So far the experience has been highly enjoyable. The extra features are really useful and while some of them might only be for those running more advanced sites – such as front end post submissions – being able to easily add an effective spam deterrent to your forms, store form entries in your WordPress database for safekeeping, create multi page forms, and a whole lot more has been really worth the investment.

    If ou start looking around at what other interesting things people are doing with Gravity Forms and its ability to integrate with a range of other services, I’m sure it will inspire you and give you some ideas of how it can be used to improve your workflows for a range of tasks you carry out.

    Thanks to the good selection of third party add-ons, this is one plugin that continues to become more powerful and useful as time goes by. The price tag is the only sticking point, but if you need to create more advanced forms than the free alternatives can deliver, you can rest assured that you will be getting a quality product for your money when you choose Gravity Forms.

  9. Rating 5

    I used Gravity forms for the first time recently. Up to this point, I used the Contact Form 7 plugin. However, I chose to go with Gravity Forms due to a need for conditional logic. I found that Gravity Forms handles conditional logic extremely well. Plus, it was easy to add the conditional logic and specify the needed form behavior based on the visitors response to a question.

    I also found it very straightforward to create the form and to add fields to the form. I especially like the ‘advanced fields’ option to add common types of fields (name, email, address, phone, etc.) And, even within these common types of fields, there were additional options. For example, the Name field let me select whether I wanted First Name and Last Name as separate fields, or as one field.

    The only thing I couldn’t do easily is to align fields. It was easy enough to click and drag fields to where I wanted them in a top to bottom fashion. But, there wasn’t an easy way to make them side by side, although one could add css formatting options to do so.

    If one has a need for conditional logic, I recommend Gravity Forms. However, I will continue to use Contact Form 7 if I don’t need conditional logic and if I am creating the forms. If I have a client who wants to create their own forms and they are not comfortable with anything that looks like code, I’d recommend Gravity Forms. The click and drag option in setting up the form will be more intuitive for them.

  10. Rating 5

    Gravity forms is one of those plugins that is on my “have to have” list for WordPress. It is something I always install right after setting up a fresh WordPress install. While it isn’t free it is worth every penny and I always renew my developer license every year to make sure I keep getting updates.

    One of the best features I love with Gravity forms is that is has the anti-spam honeypot feature built into the plugin which you can enable. This has allowed me to remove my captchas altogether on my client’s WordPress sites and still receive no spam. Talk about a great way to boost your conversion rates! That alone is worth the price tag of the plugin right there. Nothing is worse than a bad captcha. I used to use Contact Form 7 and was always battle spam even with Akismet hooked in.

    The developers of Gravity Forms, RocketGenius, are great developers and have amazing support. Back in version 1.8.10 of the plugin there was a bug introduced where web form notifications stopped sending when you had multiple email addresses setup. I filed a bug report and they pushed out a patch within a matter of hours. Talk about a fast turn around!

    The documentation for Gravity Forms is also amazing. They have spent a lot of time documenting it and so if you start getting into the more advanced stuff such as using custom hooks and functions they are pretty easy to find and a WP developer can easily make Gravity Forms into pretty much whatever you want it to be.

    Another great thing is Gravity Forms is responsive. So you don’t have to worry about your contact form looking strange on different devices. It scales a lot better in my opinion than Contact Form 7.

    All-in-all Gravity Forms is awesome. I never go without it.

  11. Rating 5

    I have been using Gravity forms for years and could not be happier with it. The plugin is very powerful with lots of features to build cool forms yet easy enough to understand and use even for a beginner. The many updates have made the plugin even better.

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Gravity Forms Features

With Gravity Forms you can use 21 out of 31 features that I track for WordPress form plugins in my comparison. Click the link to see a list of all available features.

Please note that I only track features as reported by the developers in this review and comparison. I can make no judgement over how well the features listed below will work for you. I recommend you test Gravity Forms and some of its competitors yourself before deciding.

Gravity Forms Pricing

See the table below for a quick overview of Gravity Forms prices as well as a comparison with average prices of form plugins. Please go to the main article to compare the price of Gravity Forms with other form plugins.

Price Gravity Forms Avg. form Plugin Prices
Minimum (1 Site) 39.00 USD 16.63 USD
Maximum (1 Site) 199.00 USD 99.25 USD
Minimum (10 Sites) 199.00 USD 142.38 USD
Maximum (10 Sites) 199.00 USD 289.38 USD


  • Minimum Price: The lowest price a product is available for, e.g. the most basic or a free version.
  • Maximum Price: The highest price a plugin is available for. This factors in the cost of all addons (if any) or the highest premium version sold.
  • 10 Site Prices: Certain plugins get more expensive if you want to use them on more than 1 WordPress blog. Refer to the 10 site price to see such a difference.

Disclaimer: While we update this review regularly we can not guarantee the prices displayed above are still correct and take no responsibility if they changed.

Visit Gravity Forms Now

Gravity Forms Alternatives

I have also reviewed many competing products that allow you to manage multiple WP blogs. There are several worthy Gravity Forms alternatives you should consider before making your decision on which WP manager to use. Follow the links below to see my reviews of all alternatives to Gravity Forms.

Gravity Forms Comparisons

Follow the links below to compare the features of Gravity Forms to any of its competitors. Each of the WPscoop comparison articles takes a look at two popular solutions to bulk manage WordPress.

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About Thomas Höfter

I am a WordPress plugin developer from Germany. Some might know me from my WP Robot plugin or one of my free plugins but most don't know me at all. To change that you can write me a message or find me on Google+.