MainWP vs iThemes Sync Comparison

Comparing MainWP vs iThemes SyncWhich management plugin is the better alternative for my blog? With more and more competing premium WordPress plugins it gets harder and harder to answer that question. This article takes a look at two popular plugins to manage multiple WordPress sites: It compares MainWP with iThemes Sync in order to help you with your decision in choosing one.

There are several other alternatives to MainWP and iThemes Sync on the market which I have compared in separate articles. Go to my main WordPress Management Software comparison to start your search.

Please note that this comparison only looks at the features on paper as reported by either plugin’s developers. It does not and can not tell you if or how well a certain feature will work for you. Because such a verdict would depend on too many variables, including your server setup and personal preference, I have decided to stick to the hard facts for this feature comparison between MainWP and iThemes Sync.

MainWP And iThemes Sync Feature Comparison

In my comparison I track 35 different features for all the WordPress management plugins. In MainWP you can find 31 out of 35 of those features. iThemes Sync on the other hand offers 16 out of the 35 features in total.

MainWP iThemes Sync
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User Rating

(1 reviews, add your own)

(4 reviews, add your own)
WordPress Management Features
The main point behind it all: These features save you time by allowing you to manage multiple weblogs simultaneously from a single dashboard.
Manage Posts and Pages


Bulk Posting


1-click Theme Updates



1-click Plugin Updates



1-click WordPress Updates


1-click Admin Login


Bulk Edit WordPress Posts and Pages
Bulk Plugin and Theme Installation



Manage Comments



Manage User Accounts



Bulk Create User Accounts


Edit WordPress Settings


Configure Automatic Updates


WordPress Backups + Restore



Automatic Scheduled Backups



Save backups to Amazon S3



Save backups to Dropbox



Save backups to Google Drive



Website Cloning


Maintenance Mode
MainWP iThemes Sync
Security Features
Security features are essential for all WP managers since the services have direct access to all your WordPress blogs.
Secure SSL Encryption



Uptime Monitoring

(free) Malware Scanner Integration


2-Factor Authentication


MainWP iThemes Sync
Other Features
Several management services have implemented new features in order to provide more value to users and differentiate themselves from the pack.
Google Analytics Integration


SEO / Keyword Tracking
Automatic Content / API Integration


Self Hosted


Custom Client Plugin Branding


Activity Reports


Storage Space for Plugins, Images or Files


DB Maintenance and Optimization


Code Snippets


Sub Users


Premium Support



MainWP And iThemes Sync Interface Comparison

Even if many of the features compared above overlap between those competing products there is one very important difference: MainWP as well as iThemes Sync both provide a unique interface and dashboard from which you will manage all your WordPress blogs (pictured below). Since it is hard to rate the quality of such an interface objectively I recommend that you try both products yourself by signing up for the free trial offered by either service.

the MainWP WordPress management dashboardthe iThemes Sync WordPress management dashboard

MainWP vs iThemes Sync Price Comparison

WPscoop indexes the exact prixing plans of all compared plugins. Please refer to the table below for a quick overview of the prices of MainWP and iThemes Sync.

To find the cheaper management plugin for your individual needs please go to my main comparison article. There you can search for the features you need and then see the exact price you would need to pay for MainWP or iThemes Sync (as well as other alternatives).

Price MainWP iThemes Sync
Minimum (1 Site) 0.00 USD 0.00 USD
Maximum (1 Site) 319.90 USD 1560.00 USD
Minimum (10 Sites) 0.00 USD 0.00 USD
Maximum (10 Sites) 319.90 USD 1560.00 USD

Explanations: The minimum price compared above is the lowest price a product is available for, e.g. the version with the least features. The maximum price listed is for a version of the product that includes all features. For plugins that charge per addon it factors in the cost of all available addons. For some products the price increases if you want to use it on more than 1 WordPress site – the listed price for 10 sites shows if that is the case.

Disclaimer: While we update this comparison regularly we can not guarantee the prices displayed above are still correct and take no responsibility if they changed.

More Information

Visit the developers website to learn more about each of the plugins to manage multiple WordPress sites and order or download the software.

Most WordPress plugins have an option to test their service for free, either thrhough a basic free version, a trial period or online demo. Check if such an offer exists for MainWP and iThemes Sync and if so: Make use of it! By doing so you can compare both plugins directly and find out which one is the better alternative in you situation.

Visit MainWP NowVisit iThemes Sync Now

Other Alternative Management Plugins

But wait, there is more! Besides MainWP and iThemes Sync I have compared several other WordPress management plugins on WPscoop. I recommend you start your search for MainWP alternatives or iThemes Sync alternatives in the main comparison article. There you can filter all different products and search for the features you need.

MainWP vs. other plugins to manage multiple WordPress sites

iThemes Sync vs. other WordPress management plugins

Did you spot a mistake in here? Is some feature in my comparison out of date? Please leave a comment below so I can update the article!

Which one is the better blog management service: MainWP or iThemes Sync? Please share your opinion or experience in the comments!

Last update on: 15.4.2017

About Thomas Höfter

I am a WordPress plugin developer from Germany. Some might know me from my WP Robot plugin or one of my free plugins but most don't know me at all. To change that you can write me a message or find me on Google+.

1 Comment

  1. The iThemes price is far from reality. You can get a bundle of, I think its 20 total plugins, which includes both iThemes security and Backup Buddy for around $250. These are the two most costly plugins and sync is free for 10 sites. Sync Pro which includes a lot of high value extras is only $130 per year for 10 sites so the max I see sync pro costing for 10 sites for one year is around $380.

    Of course I have no way of knowing how you arrived at $1560, perhaps you want it to wash the car? 😉

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